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The Outbreak – Day 4 of work from home – Day 6 of isolation

Matthew 0 Comments

It’s strange stepping out onto my friends back porch… the only noise you hear are the distant transports and the Canada Geese flying above… other than that, complete silence.  Inside, my friends wife is keeping up to date on all the Covid 19 news videos on YouTube, and catching up on articles posted throughout the day.  Almost 900 confirmed cases in Canada, 257 of which are in Ontario.  Although it does seem to be slowing down a little in Canada compared to predictions, it’s still not over.  Militaries around the world are prepping for the worst.  There are rumors of the possibility of Martial Law and other military actions starting to brew on the net.…

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The Outbreak – Day 3 of work from home, Day 5 of lockdown

Matthew 0 Comments

Yesterday the Prime Minister of Canada announced that no one should leave their home unless absolutely necessary.  So we are now on official lock-down. We broke our volunteer lock down the other day just to make sure we had enough food as it looks like this is gonna be a lot longer than 2 weeks.  Most stuff was stocked, as long as you were looking for fresh goods… toilet paper, most pasta, canned goods, mac & cheese, those were all gone… But we got what we needed.

Last week, before I left Montreal, my work sent out a notice that they were going to test the feasibility of working from home by sending the IT workers home for 2 weeks starting Monday, that was last Thursday.…

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The Outbreak – Covid 19 Crisis

Matthew 0 Comments

As I look out the window of my friends shop at the 401, seeing nothing but Transports going back and forth, I have but a glimmer of hope that this will all blow over.  The shipping industry is still moving, so it cannot be that bad… Right?

The problem is trying to gauge the affect of something that we, in our life time, have never dealt with.  A pandemic this size has not been seen since the Spanish Influenza pandemic of 1918.  We should know better right? Except this is not 1918, and this is not the flu.  We are more advanced now, medically and technologically, so why is this such a threat? …

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