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The Stylish Music of Go Long (!)

I just realized after reading Go Long (!)’s press Release that my blog is listed in the “Press” section. Sadly, the post I created entitled “Go Long (!) an Awesome Local Band” which was posted in November of 2011 no longer exists. So I am gonna write another article on them for the simple fact that they are an Awesome local band (To Ottawa) and their music is becoming more and more popular.

If you have no idea who Go Long (!) is, I suggest you check out their site: GoLong.info.

I have known the lead singer Danielle for about 5 years now and fell in love with her voice.…

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Mid Monday Post

Well I hope you all had a Great Canada Day, Its Monday the 2nd and most stores, like the one I work at, are closed, but here I am at work, programming and working as usual. But I decided since it is a Monday, I would post a wicked Monday song by Watsky. If you don;t know who he is, take a look at his youtube Page.

This kid has some wicket talent, Here is the first video I saw of Watsky’s:…

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