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817 days on the Island

Matthew 2 Comments

It has been quite a long time since I submitted a report, the last one being Day 364, December 31, 2012…  So I believe its long overdue.

It is now day 817 on “The Island”,  almost 117 weeks… just over 2 years… A long time for an Ontarian to be out of his natural habitat.

The natives here are restless, there seems to be two factions fighting against each other; the rebels and the separatists.  Sorry for the poor use of a Star Wars reference, but you have to admit, it fits perfectly to the situation.  Us Anglos versus the French, although to say they are French is to insult the true French, instead I will use the term they prefer to call themselves: The Québécois.…

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Quebec in termoil as the Provincial Elections rapidly approach.

Matthew 0 Comments

The last month has seen quite a few controversies here in Quebec. However this didn’t start a few weeks ago, I believe what is happening now started 2 years ago when Pauline Marois took office with a vision to solidify Quebec into her own vision of sovereignty. It started when she put a lot more funding into the Office Québécois de la Langue Française (OQLF), which resulted in “Pastagate” where someone complained that the word Pasta was not a French word and that it should be replaced with pâtes.

The approach Marois was taking to strengthen Quebec’s language laws resulted in several cases like Pastagate which went against the actual charter.…

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Texas Scientists Given Green Light To Use Sex Offenders For Medical Research

Matthew 0 Comments


So the Texas Congress has passed a new bill giving researchers permission to use the most violent, predatory, repeat sex offenders as guinea pigs for research. I am not so sure this is a good idea…

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not being sympathetic to these evil doers, I just believe that the only injection they deserve is that of the lethal kind.
Maybe I am being a bit too paranoid, or maybe I have watched to many superhero/sci-fi movies, where someone is trying to make a super soldier, they inject some bad guy with some super serum believing that there is no way on earth that anything could possibly go wrong, only to have something go drastically wrong… Said inmate now has super (insert ability here… let’s use “strength” for this example), can no longer be detained, breaks free from where ever the lab may be, and wreaks havoc on the world…

Only this isn’t sci-fi anymore… Texas is now sending hundreds of violent sex offenders to a specialized medical research facility… where they will undergo medical experimentation and testing…

Now before this bill was passed, medical testing at the human stage was done in groups where if you qualified for testing you would be paid a nice sum (Here in Canada you could get paid upwards of $3000 for a 2 week monitored stay).…

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Fukushima radion to hit west coast by end of April 2014

Matthew 0 Comments

Late last year I posted my thoughts about Fukushima, sadly admitting that I hadn’t recalled hearing about it till then, despite the tsunami taking place in 2011… Sadly the affect the destroyed nuclear power plant has still yet to be fully determined.

Scientists predict that in less than 2 months the radioactive debris from Fukushima will hit the west coast of the States and Canada. That part is inevitable, obviously, I mean think about it, millions of gallons of radioactive waste being drained into the ocean, eventually those radioactive particles will reach the world over… However what astonishes me, is that neither the Canadian government, not the US government see it as being a issue.…

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